Student Solution


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4 Courses

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lesson 8 assignment

lesson 8 assignment

Q Q-Locate an article that covered the 2016 presidential election. Look for evidence in the article for priming, framing, and slant. Make sure to include in your assignment:   ?Name of the article and its author ?Is the article made by a public or private entity? ?Who is the author trying to reach (audience)? ?Are they playing more to one specific ideology and if so, what ideology is it? Looking at the article as a whole, and based on what you have found in your analysis, do you believe that this article is a credible source? Why?

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This article is based on the ideology that media is certainly responsible for Trump’s unexpected victory in the Republican presidential nomination. The political scientists often argue and do not agree that journalists formed a gang that led to slant the republican nomination race toward Donald Trump. However, according to them, the journalist might not have asked the voters to vote in favor of Trump but they influenced their choice by innumerable news coverage they devoted to trump and the tone of it (Dickinson, 2016).